Thursday, October 26, 2017

Brothers and Frenemies Chapter 3

Mary woke up in the hospital, happy to have successfully made it through another pregnancy. Lots of people wondered why she even bothered to have children, why she stayed with her husband. She even questioned it. Looking at him now, happy holding their son, it almost seemed like she had that perfect life she dreamed of. But he hadn’t asked her how she was doing. Didn’t care that even having a child was a miracle in itself. This was the third one, and he was clearly more concerned about the baby than her.

How did things get this bad? When did the man she fell in love with turn into this guy who just liked her because he could show her off? He clearly valued her accomplishments more than he actually valued her. She realised the only reason she stayed was that he was a good father. Not because he was a good man. And children deserved a solid home life. If only she knew that that too wouldn’t last.

Finally, he seemed to acknowledge the fact that she was alive and breathing. He brought the child over and still didn’t ask if she was doing okay. Both of them could’ve died during this ordeal but none of that even registered. Maybe she should just leave. She took her child from him and tried to force herself to believe this happy moment was real. Three children and a next to zero chance of having another one. And she was stuck with a man who didn’t appreciate her but pretended to.

With all her medical problems she could live forever or die tomorrow; still… she’d stay. She’d suck up the mental abuse just a few more years and then leave. But today she was going to be happy that, against all odds, the world had blessed her with three children. A successful spa enterprise. She had all she needed.

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