Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Dana Chapter 11

“It’s two in the morning.” Dana was talking to Jason on the phone, very unhappy to be awakened after only just falling asleep.

“Yeah, I know, but you know I don’t sleep when I’m not working.”

“So what’s it like being an uncle?”

“My brothers have kids.”

“I meant to someone within driving distance.”

“Well, Jackson no longer wants to be called Jackson; he wants to be called Moses—his middle name.”

“No way.”

“Yeah. He doesn’t want to be known by the name his fake father gave him.”

Brothers and Frenemies Chapter 11

“Just get out.” Steven threw Sebastian out of the room so he could hide away with his girlfriend, completely unconcerned that Sebastian’s schoolwork was in there—basically his whole life except for his phone. Sebastian just didn’t get how his brother could be such an asshole. He stormed down the stairs and into the kitchen. His mother looked at him knowing exactly what the issue was. She said nothing though.

“What’s wrong with him? Just a minute or two to grab my school stuff and he could make out with his girlfriend all he wants. And he locked me out.”

“He locked you out—again?”

“Yeah. Threw me out then locked me out. Like he just pushes me around ’cause he’s bigger than me.” He pulled out his phone and texted Bobby. Bobby was apparently having one of those days when other people were not welcome in his house. He didn’t understand Bobby sometimes. He got so into his conversation with Bobby that he didn’t notice his mother had left until he heard her shouting and in record breaking time his brother was in the kitchen fuming with his girlfriend. She was looking a bit flustered. No shock there. His mother had that effect on people.

Virgil Chapter 11

Unfortunately, things didn’t start looking up for my brother. They took to physically abusing him for every indiscretion. Every mild failure. My mom ruled him with an iron fist with my father as her faithful accomplice. And most importantly they dared him to tell someone. Challenged him with silent threats to do anything about the situation he was in

One time he said something to a school counsellor that to this day he cannot remember. All he remembers is the sheer state of panic he went into. The counsellor actually had to haul him kicking and screaming into the office. Crying, hyperventilating, just a total mess in comparison to his usual calm cool and collected self. The teacher didn’t know what to do with him. Every time she reach for the phone to call our parents the panic attack would induce again.

Revelations Chapter 11

Danais woke up in the kitchen. The smell of beef stew engulfed him as he took his waking breaths. He remembered falling asleep in his room, so he had no explanation for why he was waking up in the kitchen. The only explanation might have been that he woke up to relieve himself and was just too tired to go back to his room—or even refasten his pants, apparently. He quickly adjusted his belt and sat up straighter in the chair.

“So it wakes,” Torak said, as if Danais were rising from the dead. 

“It would seem so, uncle.”

“So you had a good week’s end.”

“I did. Leo is—interesting.”


Identity Chapter 11

“No, class. We will not be hurling anything at him today.” 

“Why not?”

Shalini rolled her eyes. Clearly, using Lynton continuously for spell target practice was a bad choice. Not only were the girls fawning over him, but the boys kept harassing him for men stories. But as long as he didn’t disrupt the class, she was willing to let him tag along. Why he found her classes so much fun having finished his studies was far beyond her.

“Why must you always play with my hair?”

“Am I bothering you, Drak?”


“Okay then. So you want an apple?” Drak responded by threatening to blow him up. How the second blowing up of the apple was so much worse than the first time, he’ll never know. Tilal was also playing with his hair. She was only half Dani but still found it fascinating, as her hair wasn’t orange or locked.