Thursday, October 26, 2017

Dana Chapter 5

“Morning, Lil’man.”

“Morning. What time is it?” Adrian barely had his eyes open and was stumbling his way into the kitchen.

“You got time for breakfast. You won’t be late for class.”


And that was it for Adrian. He saw no reason to force human status before caffeine consumption.


“And why were you late? Like I even need to ask,” Rene said to Adrian. He had just informed his friends that he was indeed late for his first class.

Broken Chapter 5

“Sandjai will you wake up and answer your phone!”

“It’s the weekend Ma!”

“Don’t make me come in there!”

Being fourteen was hard work. He checked the miss calls. Why was his dad calling him this much before lunchtime? What part of the world was he in? It could be a time difference thing. He called back.”

“Why won’t you answer your phone?”

“Because sleep is far more important.”

Brothers and Frenemies Chapter 5

Bobby grabbed his favourite stool so he could get to work. He was only eight, so some things were just beyond his reach. Today's menu was something slight, mac and cheese chicken and boiled vegetables. Walking home after school was the norm in these parts. The school was practically in the neighbourhood. What wasn’t quite the norm was a boy of eight cooking a full-scale meal. But it was survival. And, more importantly, his normal. Being so young he had a deep-seated fear that his parents would starve to death if he didn’t feed them.

They were social drunks. They somehow managed to be perfectly sober during working hours then after that just plunge into madness. They only beat on each other. Their friends were enablers, found it funny how they went at each other. It was all their fault. Bobby hated every minute of it, but he wasn’t stupid. Even at his age, he realised his parents weren’t paying rent. They had good jobs, and even being who they were, were steadily climbing the ranks at their company.

Virgil Chapter 5

Though they had crossed paths on numerous occasions, nothing that would usually transpire between two adults in this game of attraction happened. It was mostly mutual respect. Besides even if they were the type to be weak enough to fall for such carnal animalistic instincts, they were way too busy saving the world. Combine that with their vow to make it to marriage without losing their purity. It would take an act of well, God to bring them together.

As luck would have it, apparently, he did want them to be together. Well, if you believe their version of things. As such, it is the only version I have so I’m forced to relay it to you. At one of my mother’s many prayer sit-ins, my dad just happened to not be doing something. Being so devoted to his cause in life, naturally, where else would he be spending a weekend if not studying and then having an all night prayer pow-wow with fellow believers. So to the hall my mom had secured for the sit-in he went.

Revelations Chapter 5

“Only just getting back, Barton?” Leo asked as Barton walked to the table he was sitting at.

“Yes. I was forced to stay and see my spell through. I sent a message with Kay.”

“I got it. I was just asking to ask.”

“Where’s Xan?”

“He said his brother was in town. I would imagine he’s gone to find him.”

Identity Chapter 5

Cortell was spending his second night home, and as he looked out over the green land of Keldon, he actually felt something he didn’t feel too often: peace. This land had that effect on everyone, which was why he was appalled at the idea of travelling for months. Why leave home, he wondered, when home was providing all that he needed? His brother was such an insufferable good spirit sometimes. Still, he was his brother: the only one out of all the people he knew that treated him like he was normal.

Revelations Chapter 4

Danais awoke to find himself in the tub being sponge-bathed by his cousin. There was a strange odour in the air, and he had a feeling it was his. After a lengthy and not so enjoyable scrub, he made his way to the kitchen and saw what he thought was Barton’s back leaving the room. Danais grabbed a bottle of his uncle’s home brew and sat at the table.

“I hear you took advantage of not one, but two magicians. You even sang to one of them, and I’ve got one of the best bottles of wine and also one of the best ciders in town on Ice.” Torak had no intention of punishing the boy, but he was still interested in his response.

Dana Chapter 2

So the first week of school was done, and it was now the third week in August. Things were pretty much the same. Everyone had concluded that Dana was just a nice guy, anger issues aside, and there was no girl. There couldn’t be. That would mean their sleuthing skills were lacking and that obviously wasn’t happening—at least in their minds.

The twins were back at scheming to get Marco laid. He was just coming in the house late Friday night from another one of their blind dates, shouting furiously in Spanish.

“I guess it didn’t go well,” Rene snickered.

“Shut up, Rene.”


Dana Chapter 4

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Broken Chapter 4

True to form Susan did attempt to burn Sandjai’s car to the ground. He was ready for her, though. He wasn’t about to go down like that. He had the entire squad barricading it. Instead, she settled for spray painting evil all over his locker. Burning his school books. And managing to burn his clothes after gym class. How she did this no one knows, but he had to walk around in his boxers for the remainder of the day. This idea totally backfired. He actually got more attention being half naked for the day then he did clothed. Thus making Susan more set on revenge.


Sandjai was being awoken by the dogs as per usual for a Saturday. This time he made the effort to get to the park on time. Bryan looked like he was in one of his moods today, though. He wasn’t going to get much out of him so straight to business.

Brothers And Frenemies Chapter 4

Sebastian was sitting in his room, staring at his math homework. Honestly, he didn’t understand why any human with a care for other humans would inflict such torture on humans. All the numbers looked the same to him. Other than counting cash what was the point of all this addition and subtraction and… He threw his book across the room in a fit of rage and decided that finishing off his ice cream that was on the verge of being soup was more important. Ultimately, he ended up drinking it once he realised scooping it was a futile effort.

And then he decided he needed a Coke to wash away the pain. When he finally felt up to the task of doing homework again, he picked up English. More stress. Spelling. He had to memorise words well enough for tomorrow's test. Annoyed. School was torture, and he was too young to be dealing with this shit.

Virgil Chapter 4

My father. I’m a bit tempted to just take what I just typed and replace mom with father. But that would be a bit disingenuous—even if rather accurate. Let's just zoom through this. Straight A student. Model child. Sunday worshiper. Also fascinated with the human brain and all things human in general. And ultimately came to the same success. Not as aggressive as my mom, but you couldn’t tell that when they were apart. And since their ideas matched so well, it never really mattered who was wearing the pants at home.

He suffered from the same curse of beauty that she did. Skin the shade of the most deliciously sinful chocolate cake. Brown eyes that had a splash of hazel. A voice so deep and smooth it could make ice cream melt while simultaneously making evil quake by its power. And tall. Very tall. He had to be to create that perfect balance they always strived for. It would explain why my mother fell for him. He came in at about six foot five. Exactly seven inches taller than her and the number seven is one of God’s numbers. And so on and so forth. Basically, they were a match made in heaven, and their ridiculous passion for all things Christian made them believe that even more.

Revelations Chapter 3

Yes. I’m unharmed. Thank you,” the boy said,

“You must come eat with us,” Leo said, pleased with the response. Yet again, Danais found himself faced with turning down a magician. He’d only managed to walk off half of his drinks, and now the prospect of having more was upon him. Then again, he was starving.

“Okay.” So he followed them into an establishment he had never been able to go into. He sat at one of the best tables to drink fire orange wine out of a bottle he was sure produced red.

“You put a spell on the wine?” Leo asked.

“Yes,” was Barton’s immediate response to Leo’s question. Leo found no fault in merely changing the colour. If that was what Barton had to do to amuse himself, then it was what it was.

Identity Chapter 4

Shalini watched as her students left: glad to see that none of them cared a single bit that they had missed lunch. Regardless of the heat in the late afternoon, she had to admit that there was something peaceful about Mironi. Builders were building everywhere, so they were mostly talking amongst themselves, and the booksellers and shop owners were much more laid back than in any other province. It had to have something to do with the heat; one couldn’t be too overexcited with all the heat that was in Mironi.

Still, this was her home—sandstorms, heat and all. As she approached her favourite pub on Magicians Way—a rather boring name for a street if ever there was one—she came across something that she hadn’t seen in a while. What disturbed her more was that everyone was too busy to help. And the Alliance—what happened to the members that always roamed the free land? Where were they? Instinctively, she sent out a wave of magic that pushed the magician, a Mironian, off the peasant boy he was assaulting.

Dana Chapter 3

It was now the first week in September. Dana was just getting out of the shower. He’d spent the night doing something that made him feel the need to be clean, to just wash. He was feeling a lot of that these days. He wrapped himself in a towel and headed to the kitchen for some juice only to find Jason sitting on the couch watching TV.

“You feeling better?”



“Just fine.”

“You don’t have to lie to me. I know what you’ve been up to. You can’t just wash this shit away.”

Broken Chapter 3

Bryan was dealing with fat jokes. A typical high school morning for him. Sandjai was def lying when he said he was just a bit husky. Mind you he’d lost at least ten pounds in these three weeks. He was sure it had more to do with the fact he was starving than exercise. Healthy eating was severely overrated.

Sandjai was already there. At least one perk of having the hottest kid in school be his best friend was that when they were together no one teased him. Pudgy was the name he was most popular for. But that was a legit nickname he had since before he reached double digits, so it didn’t bother him. But it could be annoying depending on the circumstances.

Brothers and Frenemies Chapter 3

Mary woke up in the hospital, happy to have successfully made it through another pregnancy. Lots of people wondered why she even bothered to have children, why she stayed with her husband. She even questioned it. Looking at him now, happy holding their son, it almost seemed like she had that perfect life she dreamed of. But he hadn’t asked her how she was doing. Didn’t care that even having a child was a miracle in itself. This was the third one, and he was clearly more concerned about the baby than her.

How did things get this bad? When did the man she fell in love with turn into this guy who just liked her because he could show her off? He clearly valued her accomplishments more than he actually valued her. She realised the only reason she stayed was that he was a good father. Not because he was a good man. And children deserved a solid home life. If only she knew that that too wouldn’t last.

Virgil Chapter 3

My mother, as a girl, was your typical overachiever. Straight A student. Never got into any trouble. Went to church every Sunday and was on every church board. Basically, any parents dream child. She always did what she was told, what was expected of her, and this travelled all the way through into her adulthood.

Also, she was very beautiful: having long dark brown hair and eyes as blue and clear as ice crystals. Taller than the average female, about five foot nine, and had a voice that could charm anyone to her will while also being intensely venomous when needed. There isn’t much about her before-college years that would make her stand out amongst the rest other than her brilliance. In all things human. No shock that she went on to be one of the most successful psychological, therapists of her age.