Friday, October 27, 2017

Broken Chapter 6

School was finally over. Now it was time for the college years. Bryan was looking at himself in the mirror. He’d just got out of the shower and stood wrapped in a towel. He still had a little belly but in three months of ‘Sandjai the trainer from hell’ he’d lost almost 100 pounds. There was no way he wasn’t fat if he could lose that much and still not have a flat stomach. However, as he looked at himself, he thought he actually looked cute enough to be called Pudgy again. He was an average, solid kinda guy once more. He even smiled. Was he feeling good about his body before even reaching his goal? Now that was something to tell his therapist. No shirt at the party today. No one was ruining his high.

“Pudgy!” This time, as Bryan walked towards the pool, he cracked a smile. Today he felt no need to pretend he was annoyed.

“Well, aren’t you just looking like hot stuff.” Jessica’s tone was bordering on flirtatious.

“I am still overweight Jess.”

“No more so than any of the other kids here. And they aren’t as cute.”

“You really think I’m cute?”

“Cute. Shit, you’re so cute if I were gay I’d totally stick my dick in you,” Lucas said. Bryan almost laughed.


“They get a thanks when it was me that made this miracle happen. Shit. No love at all.” No one even bothered to acknowledge Sandjai’s fake hurt.

“Looks like that ass Andre is eyeing you up. Who invited him?” Jessica was far from impressed.

“It’s the first big we just graduated let's party before we start our summer jobs party. Everyone one was invited, Jess.” Lucas said.

“Don’t you go near him.”

“Why do you hate him so much,” Bryan inquired.

“Just between us. Friendship circle of trust.” Everyone nodded in agreement.

“That ass tried to rape me.”

“What?” This wasn’t the type of info you tell three guys known to kick some ass.

“Settle down boys. I put my kickboxing moves on his ass. He gave up. He only likes women who fight back if he knows he can win. Fucking sexual predator. He’s not even a full-grown adult yet. Who knows what he’ll be doing when he is. That’s probably why he tried to get with you. Good job stopping that nonsense Sandjai.”

“Why me?”

“Someone like him can see desperate a mile away. Don’t get all mopey. It’s not a bad thing. You know you have issues. Some people, like that sociopath over there, prey on those things. You don’t need more of that especially from someone your age and willing to date you in public. That’s a slow road to psychological destruction and you know what that looks like first hand.”

“And I was so willing to go down that route. No one else really wants to date me.”

“That was his in. Trust me. I’ve seen it happen to a lot of my older cousins and their friends. Heard my parents and people talk about others going through. It happens a lot.”

“Wow. I didn’t notice all that. I just didn’t like him. Don’t know why. But he’s just all sorts of wrong,” Sandjai said.

“In any case, we wouldn’t let you date someone like that. Now Jacob.” Jessica directed Bryan’s glance towards him.

“Jacob?” Bryan responded.

“Yeah. He’s totally giving you side glances but trying his hardest not to. You should definitely say hi to him. Take your shirt of though. If you’re going to play, play to win.”

Bryan did as told. He wasn’t even aware he hadn’t removed the shirt after telling himself he would.

“Was he really side glancing at him?” Lucas asked when Bryan was out of earshot.

“Men. Ya’ll don’t see anything. Yes. If he was checking me out, he wouldn’t have been so afraid to get caught. And you two are straight as a bullet on target. So that leaves only one option. Besides, when he walked out here, he did more than sneak a peak.



“Pudgy. I mean Bryan.”

“It’s okay.”

“So. Sandjai has a nice pool.”

“That he does.?”

“You look.” He seemed to be struggling with saying something, so an awkward silence prevailed. “Good. Not that you didn’t look good before. Just. Oh, I don’t know.”


“You don’t smile much. You have a nice smile.”

“Smiles are overrated. And how would you know how much I smile. Unless you’ve been spying on me.”

“Maybe a little.”

“Are you flirting with me?”


“You should be.”

“Um okay then.”

“I accept flirtation.”

“Are you always this bold.”

“When I’m not hating myself and being depressed yes. Ask Sandjai.”


“The first thing I said to him was he’s cute.”

“You’re not entirely what I expected.”

“I get that a lot. Seriously though are you flirting with me.”

“I was trying to but wasn’t sure if I should or not. I’ve never done this before. Let alone with a crowd of people from the town I grew up in. And I’m a white boy so.”

“You look good too.”

“So Sandjai isn’t going to kick my ass if I try to date you. Or your other two bodyguards.” Bryan turned around to look at them.

“No. They actually like you. Surprisingly.”

“They def seem to be cheering you on.” All three were indeed nodding and giving the thumbs up. Bryan just rolled his eyes and looked back at Jacob.

“That they do. Well, I’m going to go back. You have your phone on you.” He gave Jacob his number then went back over to his friends. A new body, a decent guy. Could this day get any better? And that was when Susan arrived. She found Sandjai effortlessly. The fun was about to happen.

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