Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dana Chapter 1

“Morning,” Janita said as she leant in and gave Rene a kiss.

“It’s Saturday. Can’t a man get any sleep?”

“No, ‘cause I made us breakfast.” Rene forced himself to get up. He didn’t feel the need to get dressed, so in his boxers, he went downstairs to the kitchen. Marco, his best friend, was already down. Coming through the door was Rene’s brother, getting rid of last night’s conquest.

“And who was that, Raul,” Rene asked.

“No one, Rene.”

“Come on. We’re twins. I know you better than that. You should leave those married men alone.”

“I’m not five. I’m a full grown adult male of twenty-three. I can fuck whoever I like.”

“Or be fucked by,” Rene tried to mumble under his breath.

“I heard that. Just because you have someone doesn’t mean I want to be on lockdown as well.”

“There is nothing wrong with having someone special. I just—“

“Oh, stop giving the boy a hard time. He can make his own decisions,” Marco cut in.

“Thanks, Marco. At least someone understands. And how come your cute Mexican ass is still single?” Raul walked over to him and stared into his pretty brown eyes. After only a few seconds of this, Marco started to turn red.

“Stop that. You make me nervous.”

“Lil’ ole me? You should find you a nice black girl. You’d make a nice Oreo ice cream sandwich.”

“No one wants me like that.”

Raul just smiled. This man really didn’t see his own potential. Brown eyes, dark brown hair shaved bald around the bottom half and just enough hair to have a decent ponytail, pulled up into a not so perfect man bun. And those lips—“mmmm” is the only word that can be used to describe them. Too bad he was straight. All the good ones were these days.

“You know lately you get hard at the drop of a dime. You need a release.”

“I can take care of my own needs.”

“A man can only survive off a good J. O. for so long.”

“If you say so. And stop trying to hook me up,” Marco said and directed that comment to the number-one offender: Rene.

“Fine. Go on and be sexually frustrated and single forever.” Marco just shook his head. He knew there wasn’t a chance in hell the blind dates would stop.

“And look who it is. Everybody’s favourite farm boy,” Raul said as Adrian emerged into the kitchen.

“I didn’t live on a farm,” he retorted.

“But you did work on one.” Adrian just smiled; he left small-town mentality for big-city jokes. But what more could he expect from college life? He didn’t mind, though. Anything to not feel like a vampire or a possessed soul like he did in his own hometown.

“So when are we going to hook up?” Raul asked though he already knew the answer.

“You’re cute, Raul, but not that cute.”

“Well just take a knife and put it through my heart. That hurts.” Raul himself couldn’t even keep a straight face through this comment.

“Just because your Hispanic ass has a British accent doesn’t mean I’m going to fall at your feet.”

“Damn. That usually gets them every time. Oh well. Can’t win them all. I’ll just find myself another cute, short half-Asian.”

“Okay by me. Besides, I could already have my eye on someone for all you know.”

“You? You’re more of a man-whore than I am. Except you’re bi, which makes it worse.” Adrian could only roll his eyes at a comment like that. Truth was he did have his eye on someone, but he wasn’t about to reveal that. A man’s got to have his secrets.


Dana walked out onto his balcony and took in the morning sun. It felt good, but in about two weeks it was back to school. He’d forget about the simple pleasures in life when things like projects and homework took over. Part of leaving his past behind meant having a normal average life. He had a job working in the area, not to far from the college.

He was working at Liza’s, a nice restaurant that students, as well as high-profile clientele frequented. As he looked down upon the ocean view before him, he couldn’t help but wonder what his life would be like had he not left his former life so far behind. Definitely not as drama free. Well, almost drama free.

Dana still couldn’t seem to stay out of trouble. Leaving the past behind seemed to be recreating a present that was too similar. Even if for different reasons. He had serious anger issues, which had caused him to hurt a person or two. He was getting a little better, though—nothing good therapy and meds couldn’t fix. As most relaxing, deep-thought, tranquil moments go, his bliss was interrupted by a phone call. Somehow he knew who it was but went against his better judgment and answered the phone.

“Hello, mother.”

“A broken leg this time.”

“Mom, I was just chillin’ on the wall with a good book, and he was all up in my face. I tried to get rid of him. I even got up and walked away, but he wouldn’t give up. Then he started touching me inappropriately, so I just snapped.”

“You always just snap.”

“Mom, don’t be like that.”

“I’m just saying you, of all people, shouldn’t be committing hate crimes.”

“They’re not hate crimes. I’ve hurt a straight person or two.”

“You don’t have to convince me. I’m merely stating what it looks like.”

Dana let out a sigh. “I am getting better, Mom.” This was true. She had to admit that things were a lot better than when he first got out there. She guessed it was all a part of growing up. Still, she had hoped his issues would evaporate a lot faster. Being the busy woman that she was, she had squeezed out all her free time for the moment. And Dana—well, he had to prep for work. He knew his favourite customer would be there that day.


“Damn, that was some game,” Jen said as they made their way into Liza’s for lunch. It was just a little after two. Jen was Janita’s best friend. Adrian and the others just got back from playing a little basketball. Jen was tall, brunette, and had deep brown eyes and breasts for days. Unfortunately, she did not have the booty as well. At least the butt was firm, if almost nonexistent.

The only reason she enjoyed the games so much was because of all the topless men in shorts. The girl didn’t know the first thing about basketball.

Everyone sat down at their favourite spot, which had a perfect view of outside and the sandwich and coffee bar. After a few sips from their smoothies, they decided to order, and who would be their waiter but Dana. This was part of the reason they sat here— 'cause he always hooked them up with extra stuff for free. After Dana took their order, Jen turned to watch him walk away.

“Now that is one hot piece of man.”

“Who you telling, Jen?” Raul added.

“Seriously. 6’3”, dark brown hair, blue eyes, golden skin, thick build and an Italian accent. I’d like to get me a piece of that imported meat.”

“Yeah. What a sad shame he’s straight,” Raul said.

“You don’t know that. All he said was you’re not his type,” Rene said.

“The boy is straight, and you know it.”

“Okay.” Rene raised his hands in defeat. “I was only trying to give you a little hope. False hope, but hope just the same.”

“And apparently he doesn’t like white girls either,” Jen commented with a sigh.

“Jen, just because every man you throw yourself at doesn’t go face deep into your pussy doesn’t mean they don’t like white girls. It just means you’re not their type,” Janita said.

“Oh details. Can’t you just let me mope?” Janita rolled her eyes in response to that comment.

“You know I think he’s dating someone,” Janita said.

“Really, Janita? Why you say that?” Adrian inquired.

“Well, haven’t you noticed his new glow? Since the end-of-school-year party, he’s just been—I don’t know, just different.”

“You know you’re right. For all we know, they could be in here right now,” Adrian stated, looking around as if he could magically spot the mystery woman.

“Exactly, Adrian. I mean that would explain why we get the free stuff all the time now instead of just every so often. They could be watching, and he’s just trying to put his best foot forward and all,” Janita continued and everyone nodded as if in agreement.

“Well, whoever the lucky bitch is I hope she keeps giving him the good shit, ‘cause if we get to reap the benefits of his healthy sex life, this girl deserves a medal,” Jen said.

“I heard that,” Marco added. Everyone agreed and lifted their smoothies in a toast to the girl that may not even exist.

“Why you guys looking so happy?” Dana asked as he came back to the table with their order. They just looked at him and smiled. Dana decided, looking at all the evil smiles, that maybe he didn’t want to know after all. Besides, he didn’t have time for that— he was a popular waiter, and there were other people that wanted to check him out. So he got back to work, and they got back to speculating who this girl might be.

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